Tesla Model S: Rear Drive Unit
Note: Loosen suspension fasteners by hand, then
use a cordless electric drill with a 3/8 in drive adapter and an
3/8 in drive air ratchet wrench.
Remove the drive unit (r
Special tools required for this procedure:
Part Number
Special tools required for this procedure:
Caution: Use the specified coolant only. In this manual, refer
to General Information > Capacities, Fluids, and
Lubricants > Fluids.
You can view recorded footage on the touchscreen
when Model S is in Park. Touch the Dashcam icon
located in the app launcher or the Dashcam icon on the
Controls screen. Touch the menu icon in the top corner
of the screen. The tabs display a list of all video clips,
organized by location and tim
Note: This procedure describes how to remove and install
the single phase charge port. If the vehicle is equipped with a 3
phase charge port, refer to procedure 44012102 (refer to procedure).
Warning: The high voltage harness must be removed from the
charge port before the charge port