Tesla Model S Owners & Service Manuals

Tesla Model S: Interior trim


 Rear View Mirror - 1st Generation (Remove and Replace)

Note: This procedure describes how to remove and replace the 1st generation rear view mirror. If the vehicle is equipped with a 2nd generation rear view mirror, refer to procedure 15050502 (re

 Rear View Mirror - 2nd Generation (Remove and Replace)

Note: This procedure describes how to remove and replace the 2nd generation rear view mirror. If the vehicle is equipped with a 1st generation rear view mirror, refer to procedure 15050202 (re

 Sun Visor - Driver's (Remove and Replace)

Removal Use a trim stick or other non-marring pry tool to release the visor mounting cover. Caution: Take care not to damage component(s).


 Speed Assist

How Speed Assist Works Model S displays a speed limit on the instrument panel and you can choose if and how you are warned when you exceed the speed limit. Also, instead of using the detected speed limit, you can base warnings on an arbitrary speed limit that you enter manually. In situations w

 Brake Hose - Flexible - Rear - LH (Remove and Replace)

Warning: If the vehicle has air suspension, activate "Jack" mode on the touchscreen before raising and supporting the vehicle. Removal Remove the rear wheel arch liner (refer to procedure). Clean the areas that surround the connections at each end of the

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