Tesla Model S: Trim - 'A' Post - LH (Remove and Install)
- Remove the A-Pillar middle trim panels (refer to procedure)
- Release 'A' post trim retaining screw cover, lower edge first.
- Remove screw (x1) securing trim to 'A' post (torque 2 Nm).
- Carefully release clip (x1) securing trim to 'A' Post
- Clear location peg and lift to release lower locating lugs.
- Release trim from body.
- Disconnect tweeter harness connector and remove 'A' post trim.
- Installation procedure is the reverse of removal, except
for the following:
- Ensure both lower lugs are located and upper peg aligns to body
before driving clip fully home.
Remove 'A' post trim (refer to procedure)
Release clips (x3) securing tweeter to ' A' post trim.
Remove tweeter
Remove the LH lower 'B' post trim (refer to procedure).
Carefully release the clips (x4) that secure the 'B' post upper
trim to the body by gently pulling the lower edge away
Remove the LH lower 'B' post trim (refer to procedure).
Remove the plastic trim that covers the seat belt fixing on the
driver's seat.
Warning: Prior to disconnection of 12 volt power supply,
ensure driver's door glass is in the fully open position. Failure to
follow this instruction could result in vehicle lockout.
Warning: If 12 volt power supply is disconnected, do not
attempt to open any doors with door glass in
Open the luggage compartment.
Release the seal from luggage compartment surround.
Note: Components have been removed in this
graphic to aid clarity.
Remove the seal from the vehicle.