Tesla Model S: Door Glass - LH - Front - Adjust
- Remove door trim pad (refer to procedure)
- Loosen but do not remove clamp nut securing door glass to
regulator (torque 7.5 Nm). This allows glass to move fore and aft.
Caution: Take care not to damage component(s).
- Remove plugs (x2) from bottom of door covering regulator
adjustment nuts
- Loosen nuts (x2) securing regulator adjustment, inboard and
outboard to seal (torque 10 Nm).
- Align door glass to create best fit condition, torque tighten
glass clamp and regulator lower adjusters.
- Installation procedure is the reverse of removal, except
for the following:
- Cover openings with waterproof adhesive tape.
- Check glass for smoothness of operation and seating to body
opening seals, re-adjust if necessary.
Remove door inner belt glass seal (refer to procedure)
Loosen but do not remove clamp nut securing door glass to
regulator (torque 7.5 Nm).
Caution: Take care not
Remove door trim pad (refer to procedure)
Partially lower glass for access to glass clamp.
Remove water proof tape for access to adjustment clamp.
Loosen but do not remove
Remove door inner belt glass seal (refer to procedure)
Remove adhesive patches (x3) from glass access openings.
Remove screws (x2) securing door access panel (torque 4 Nm).
Remove the front fascia (refer to procedure).
Remove the bolts (x2) that secure the center of the ankle
catcher to the front ducting (torque 4 Nm).
Remove the bolts (x4) that secure the ankle catcher to the
Open tailgate to suitable working height.
Carefully release speaker cover clips (x9) from tailgate.
Caution: Take care not to damage component(s).
Remove speaker covers and position aside.