Tesla Model S: Link - Suspension - Rear - Upper - LH (Remove and Replace)
Warning: If the vehicle has air suspension, activate "Jack"
mode on the touchscreen before raising and supporting the vehicle.
- Remove the wheel (refer to procedure).
- Remove the nut that secures the ride height sensor link and
release it from the upper suspension link (torque 7 Nm).
Caution: To prevent ball joint damage, always hold the
ball joint pin with a wrench while loosening or tightening
the lock nut.
- Remove the bolt that secures the upper suspension link to the
knuckle (torque 140 Nm).
- Remove the nut and bolt that secure the upper suspension link to
the subframe (torque 130 Nm).
- Remove the upper suspension link from the vehicle.
InstallationInstallation procedure is the reverse of removal, except for the
Note: Clean the affected areas before installation.
Caution: Replace all nylon-insert locknuts.
Caution: Only fully tighten suspension bushing bolts when
the vehicle is in ride height position.
- If the vehicle is equipped with air suspension, perform a ride
height calibration (refer to procedure).
- Perform a four wheel alignment check (refer to procedure).
Warning: If the vehicle has air suspension, activate "Jack"
mode on the touchscreen before raising and supporting the vehicle.
Raise and support the vehicle (refer to pro
Remove the road wheel (refer to procedure).
Remove the nut that secures the sway bar drop link to the lower
control arm (torque 70 Nm).
Caution: To p
Warning: If the vehicle has air suspension, activate "Jack"
mode on the touchscreen before raising and supporting the vehicle.
Remove road wheel (refer to procedure)
Remove door handle for access (refer to procedure)
Position handle assembly on a soft working surface.
Remove door handle rear seal.
Remove cable ties securing door pressure sensor and motor
Remove press sensor screw.
Warning: If the vehicle
has air suspension, activate "Jack" mode on the touchscreen before
raising and supporting the vehicle.
Note: Vehicles with air
suspension might need the suspension to be set to "High" or "Very
High" to allow the vehicle to be positioned and supported corre