Tesla Model S: Inspection and Service
Annual Service
Note: Not all of the procedures listed here need to be
performed at each Annual Service. Refer to SC-15-00-001 for a list of
the procedures to perform at the relevant service
Note: This is recommended for cold weather regions.
Note: Cleaning and lubricating the caliper pad
slides/abutments is not included in the Annual Service price.
Note: Perform the following
Jack Mode Activation
Setting Procedure
Power up the touchscreen.
Note: Suspension height can only be
lowered when all doors are closed.
Open both driver's side doors.
Power the seat height adjust fully upwards for access.
Remove the screw that secures the outer side cover to the seat
(torque 1 Nm).
Carefully release the outer side cover
The wind deflector arm is part of an assembly that
includes the wind deflector arm, wind deflector spring, and pivot
Fully open the panoramic roof.
Release the screw that secures the wind
deflector arm to the wind deflector.