Tesla Model S: Pipe - Low Pressure - Chiller (Remove and Replace)
- Recover refrigerant from the vehicle (refer to procedure)
- Remove front skid plate (refer to procedure)
- Remove nut (x1) securing pipe retaining plate to chiller TXV
(torque 12 Nm).
- Disconnect refrigerant pipes from TXV.
Caution: Plug pipe connections to prevent ingress of
moisture or dirt.
Caution: Remove and discard O-rings.
- Remove underhood storage unit (refer to procedure)
- Remove bolt securing chiller low pressure pipe at union to low
pressure charge port pipe (torque 8 Nm).
- Maneuver and remove pipe.
Caution: Plug pipe connections to prevent ingress of
moisture or dirt.
Caution: Remove and discard O-rings.
- Installation procedure is the reverse of removal, except
for the following:
- Replace A/C pipe O-rings.
Caution: Lubricate new O-rings with clean refrigerant
Recover refrigerant from the vehicle (refer to procedure)
Remove underhood storage unit (refer to procedure)
Remove nut securing pipe retaining plate to evaporator TXV
Recover refrigerant from the vehicle (refer to procedure).
Remove the front skid plate (refer to procedure).
Remove the nut that secures the pipe retaining plate to the TXV
Recover refrigerant from the vehicle (refer to procedure).
Remove the underhood storage unit (refer to procedure).
Disconnect the electrical connector from the pressure
Model S is equipped with an event data recorder (EDR).
The main purpose of an EDR is to record, in certain crash
or near crash-like situations, such as an air bag
deployment or hitting a road obstacle, data to better
understand how the vehicle's systems performed. The
EDR is designed to record
Many factors can impact the performance of Autopilot
components, causing them to be unable to function as
intended. These include (but are not limited to):
Poor visibility (due to heavy rain, snow, fog, etc.).
Bright light (due to oncoming headlights, direct
sunlight, etc.).
Damage or obstru